Sunday, February 6, 2011

what doesnt kill you makes you stronger

So it's now a month into a new year and I've finally decided to to blog again. Why? I don't know, something inside me just told me to start blogging again. So I listened.

I'm sure you can just imagine all the crazy life happenings that have gone on since my last blog post, dated on july 30th 2010. The summer was good to me. The fall, not so much. But life goes on....

The new year did a number on me but thank God I went through what I have gone through, it has made me only a stronger person. Sometimes there are situations for us in life that we are meant to walk through. I believe all that has happened from november til january was that dark tunnel for me. But now, all I can see is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it's looking pretty amazing :)

Like mentioned before, the events that have happened are endless and far too crazy to blog about. But that is all the past, so why bring it up?!

On more of the bright side, life is just turning around for me. I have a number of amazing opportunities to seize in the next little while. I am getting pretty excited about it. God's good to me. So i'm going to be good to Him.

All in all, I am looking forward to a year of excitement and refreshing times. I can't wait... I hear the melody of a springtime

And it will be okay


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